#BookMarketing for my #KindleScout Campaign

Marketing and engaging readers is a lot of work!

For months, I have been planning to post my book on Kindle Scout and run a campaign, in the hopes that Amazon would publish the book. Two weeks ago, I posted my book.

I haven’t sat around with my fingers crossed, hoping that people would vote for me. I emailed everyone I knew. I posted the link on all my social media sites, and I came up with a blog marketing campaign.  Here’s a sneak peak:


The plan was twofold.

First, to give readers what they want – a glimpse into the world of another writer and self-publisher. I wrote tidbits about my experience.

Second, to invite readers into my next novel, The Light of Supremazia.

Have I been successful?

Yes and no. My Kindle Scout campaign had 6 days trending as “hot,” and I received feedback on my blog. However, I have more content to post and more readers to reach.

Hopefully, the following blurbs from my novel invite you in:

Hall Photo

Vote for the Kindle Scout Campaign of The Light of Supremazia!

How do you market your #book ? Join author @alanasiegel ‘s discussion (Click to tweet)

10 thoughts on “#BookMarketing for my #KindleScout Campaign

  1. Pingback: Bookbub Insights: Increase Sales of Standalone Books | Nicholas C. Rossis

  2. Hi, Alana. I came here from Nicholas Rossis’ blog, and I love your calendar! My questions is what you do with the topics/graphics ideas you list for each day. Are these blog posts? Facebook posts? Twitter? Thanks!

  3. Pingback: Recap of The Light of Supremazia Kindle Scout Campaign | Optimist Superheroes

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